

你想通过福音的力量来改变世界. Get the theological grounding and personal formation you need to serve in youth and family ministry, 司法部, 牧师服务, 以信仰为基础的非盈利工作等等.

The 49-credit hour degree in Christian Ministry shapes you for faithful service to the church and the world. 全球网赌十大网站的教师教授、培养学生,使毕业生:

  • 了解圣经,神学和教会历史
  • Interpret and communicate the Gospel to honor both the Christian faith and the contemporary multicultural world
  • 在不同的环境中担任有效的牧师和门徒
  • Understand and develop comprehensive skills in an area of specialized ministry


Take the next step toward completing your Master of Arts in Christian Ministry.


Take the next step toward completing your Master of Arts in Christian Ministry.


Our 南方路德神学院 (LTSS) is located in Columbia, South Carolina. At LTSS, we believe that being Lutheran means being in a relationship with other denominations.

这就是为什么全球网赌十大网站的一些学生是卫理公会教徒, 有些是浸信会教徒, 也有来自其他教派的学生. Your questions and insights have a place here regardless of your denomination.

Some students enter seminary with extensive academic background in religious studies and theology. Others have experience in ministry, which may be relevant to certain courses. If you believe you are one of these students, please contact the registrar at registrar@xytgqy.com, who will consider your circumstances in consultation with the dean or other appropriate faculty and staff.


  • Accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in the United States and Canada
  • 提供全额奖学金
  • 不需要GRE
  • 快速录取决定
  • 美丽的校园位于哥伦比亚,南卡罗来纳州
  • 只有ELCA神学院位于美国东南部

LTSS is beautifully diverse and made up of students of every age, race, gender and orientation. I was so thankful to find a great community of faith and learning so close to where I grew up.

约书亚·伍伦韦伯,MDiv ' 20


Columbia SC提供

The Master of Arts in Christian Ministry (MACM) degree is a two-year program (49 credit hours) consisting of a theological core curriculum and three separate tracks for specialized ministry: Congregational Ministry, ELCA执事与卫理公会研究. The open-ended congregational ministry track allows students from any denomination to pursue academic interests that best support their individual ministries. The ELCA deacon track prepares students to serve as deacons in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Methodist studies track can be used to fulfill the Disciplinary Basic 研究生 Theological Studies (BGTS) courses and certain other conference membership and ordination requirements in the United Methodist Church. 


请访问研究生招生的最新 项目全球赌博十大网站要求.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件


The seminary was recognized by the Association of Theological Schools for its commitment to be an inclusive community, for its faculty and staff who demonstrated genuine passion about their faith and care for students, 以及它与勒努瓦-莱恩的关系.


Moss is nearing completion of his doctoral degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, 他将教授实用神学课程, 黑人教会研究和嘻哈文化.
